Why Choose, We Care Tree Services for your tree removal services on Long Island?
We specialize in both private residential work AND commercial maintenance.
Elevated work platform trucks and ground crews perform work with speed & safety, ensuring your tree services on Long Island achieve the desired appearance safely.
Our climbing aborist teams work effectively & efficiently when our elevated work platforms cannot gain access. Each team is expert at cabling & lowering. Groundsmen keep the site clean and safe at all times, run the chipper and the removal truck.
We protect your property while working in limited access and tight quarters without a problem. Our crew performs these difficult, close-to-house jobs routinely every day.
We protect the environment. Our crews are trained in conservation techniques and maintain awareness of Nassau, Suffolk and NYS arborist guidelines.
Our stump grinding services are fast & efficient and provide free wood chips for landscaping, if the property warrants mulching & water conservation.
Our crews are qualified in other aborist, landscaping, and home maintenance tasks such as gutter cleanouts. Call We Care Tree Service so you can describe your needs and discuss options. 516-373-6488